Speciality Honey

A selection of our speciality honeys which are harvested at specific times of the year from hives kept around the flowers and trees that the honey is named after. Each honey speaks for itself in terms of taste profile and the difference is remarkable. Some of the hives are kept in remote areas which can make it hard work for our beekeepers to manage, however they do an amazing job and take great care with the bees and local environment ensuring they have enough food throughout the winter months.

Wild Blackberry Honey

On Sale from £4.99

Pure Avocado Honey

On Sale from £4.99

Pure Taif Rose Honey

On Sale from £12.99

Mini Borage Honeycomb Frame

£42.99 £39.99

Sold Out

British Borage Honeycomb in Borage Honey Jar

On Sale from £17.50

Pure Black Seed Honey (Non-infused)

On Sale from £14.99

Beautiful Glass Honey Dipper

From £12.99

Premium Bee Pollen

On Sale from £17.99

Gift Wrap


The Allergy Bundle

£51.99 £45.99

Sold Out

The Immunity Bundle

On Sale from £51.00